Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Trace evidence Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Trace evidence - Research Paper Example â€Å"He put the analysis of handwriting on a firmer footing, systematized the analysis of the dust in the clothes of suspects, invented a modified method of analyzing blood stains, and invented poroscopy, whereby the pores in the papillary ridges of fingerprints are used as a means of identification† (Stauffer, n.d.). The term â€Å"trace evidence† surfaced as three of Dr. Edmond Locard’s papers got published in the year 1930 in the American Journal of Police Science (, 2012). According to Locard’s Exchange Principle, there occurs a transfer of material when two objects collide. The transferred trace evidence is used to assess relationships and connections among different objects, locations, and people. The significance of the trace evidence fundamentally depends upon the quality of detection in general, and the collection and preservation of the evidence in particular. The investigator must be able to understand the transfer of mater ial in order to interpret the analytical results. There has occurred a revolutionary change in the crime investigation techniques over the years. In the past, it was difficult to associate a hair found at the crime spot with a suspect because of the coating of conditioner upon it. The officers investigating a case of rape or murder looked for the traces of semen or blood, but lacked proper ways of collecting the evidence. However, new and improved detection techniques are reducing the complexity of crime investigation, thus enhancing the chances of success. Detecting the link between an object or an individual and the crime is often fundamental to the successful solution of the case. These links are conventionally developed by comparison of the trace evidence. Establishment of these links is made complicated by the similarity between the samples of trace evidence and the environments in which they are located. Four of the new techniques of trace evidence, which have

Monday, October 28, 2019

Comparison of Cognitive Development Theories

Comparison of Cognitive Development Theories Cognitive development is defined as the areas of neuroscience and psychology studies, concentrating on adolescent development with special focusing on information processing, language learning, conceptual resources, perceptual skill, and brain development. Jean Piaget and Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky were two pioneers in the field of cognitive development. With this essay I will compare and contrast each theorists views on the nature or development of intelligence. I shall also compare their views on the stages of development from birth through adolescence. And finally I will incorporate possible classroom applications of each theorists views. Similarities in Cognitive Development Piaget believed that all children are born with a tendency to interact with and make sense of their environment and that they need little instructor intervention. He referred to the basic ways of organizing and processing information as cognitive structures. He defined the mental patterns that guide behavior as schemes, and he theorized that we use schemes to find out about and interact with the world around us. Piagets theory consisted of steps in the development of new schemes of cognitive development referred to as adaptation of adjusting schemes in response to a new object being introduced in our environment. The first step in adaptation if called assimilation, or trying to understand the new object or event in our environment from known scheme, and if the new object does not fit into an existing scheme, the individual will move into accommodation where they modify an existing scheme to fit the new situation. Finally the person will reach an understanding of the new object, this process of restoring a balance between current schemes and the integration of the new schemes is known as equilibration. Piaget theory of intellectual development is a constructivism view, where individuals build systems of understanding through their experiences and interaction with in their environment, suggesting that development came before learning, that specific cognitive structures need to be developed before certain types of learning can take place. Like Piaget, Lev Vygotsky believed that cognitive development takes place in steps that are the same for all individuals. Vygotsky theorized the first step in intellectual development is learning that action and sounds have meaning. Second, that step in cognitive development was practicing the new action or sound. And finally, using the actions and sounds to think and solve problems without the help of others, referred to by Vygotsky as self-regulation. Differences in Cognitive Development While Piaget believed that intellectual development was highly personal, and that individuals learned from experiences rather than the teaching of concepts and thought processes, Vygotsky believed that learning development was a social process directly linked to the teaching of information, and that learning proceeded development. Vygotsky theorized that language was the key to cognitive development, and learning was influenced by the culture of the individual. He believed that a child first incorporated the speech on others into their personal knowledge and practices it, known as private speech, and later they used this private speech in efforts to solve tasks. Vygotsky redefined this theory into what we now know as The Zone of Proximal Development. (ZDP) defines intellectual development as the ability to use thought to control our own actions, but first we must master cultural communication systems, and then use these to systems to regulate our thought processes. Children learning with in the (ZPD) work on tasks that they could not complete alone, but were able to finish with the help of and competent instructor. These teachable moments demonstrate Vygotsky theory that learning proceeded development, and that cooperative learning promotes advance learning. His theory defined language as a way to pass on cultural values and that teaching language was the medium needed to develop cognitive thought processes. Similarities of the Stages of Development Both Piaget and Vygotsky were stage theorist, meaning they both believe that development takes place in observable stages. Piagets theory was that development took place in four stages. -The first stage for Piagets theory was the sensorimotor stage (from birth age 2) where the child explores the world using their 5 senses and motor skills. Children are born with what is described as reflex motor skills, suck, grasp, ect. During early development, the child uses these skills to manipulate the world and develops schemes from these experiences in a progression toward goal-directed behavior nearing the end of this stage of development. -Piagets second stage is Preoperational stage (2yrs-7yrs) He believed that children in this stage of development wouldnt have mastered the ability of more complex mental operations; children do not have the ability to reason through their actions. They are considered egocentric, and assume others agree with their points of view. During this stage children lack conservation skills; they do not understand that the amount of something remains the same when the appearance has been rearranged. And they have not developed reversible thinking or taking a problem back to its starting point. -Developmental stage three is the Concrete Operational Stage (7-11) In this stage the child is beginning to achieve comprehension of abstract concepts. The child is starting to understand conservation, perspective and reverse thinking. The child is capable of systematic ordering and able to group objects accordingly. The child is starting to multitask in their thought processes. -And Finally, The Formal Operational stage Age (11 to early-adult) By this stage the person has accomplished abstract think processes. They have developed hypothetical and deductive reasoning. They have the ability to imagine situations and reason best solution principles. They are now capable of meta-cognition or able to think about thinking. Vygotskys stage theory of development was known as Scaffolding. In Scaffolding, First a mentor starts with providing the child with a high level of support, such as one-on-one instruction, allowing the child time to develop an understanding of the concepts being presented. Next the mentor starts to scale back the support allowing the child to take on more of the responsibility of the task. And finally, when the child understands the objective of the task the mentor steps aside allowing the child to perform the task on their own, demonstrating the comprehension of the knowledge set gained. Differences in Stages of Development Piagets theory of the stages of development, focus on development is necessary before learning can take place, and that interaction with ones environment is more important to development than mentored instruction. This view is very age oriented and ridged in its outline and expatiations of child development. Where Vygotsky views learning as the processor to development. That language, culture and mentoring are all important aspects of the learning process that will help the individual develop successfully. Similarities in Classroom Application Piagets and Vygotsky theories have similar applications for the classroom setting; first Piaget wants the instructor must focus on the process of child thinking trying to understand how the child can up with the answer, and not just the product or solution to the problem, deemphasize practices aimed at making children make adult like decisions, and have the instructor acknowledge the differences in individual developmental progress. Vygotskys theory in a similar fashion, places emphasis on the childs thinking process, with the instructor understanding the childrens individual developmental progress. As a teacher I can use these theories to develop class room techniques that focus on the students as individuals, and Ill try to understand their level of development so that I do not force the student to meet standards that are not reasonable given their state of understanding and cognitive development. Differences In classroom Application Piagets theory wants the instructor to encourage the students into self-initiation and active learning activities which take the emphasis off structured knowledge and encourages the student to explore and build on current levels on cognitive knowledge. This differs from Vygotsky theory, which advises the teacher to provide planned activities, and encourage students to participate in planned group activities, which encourage them to learn in structure environments which encourage high levels of mentored instruction. With an option of the two theories, I think Ill stick to a more Vygotsky form of lesson planning. I believe that students can do well with hand on actives, yet I believe that if the Instructor does not provide the student with structure the students do not develop at a rate that allow them to control themselves in a classroom setting, and that structure gives the student guidance and sets expectations for the students, that give the students goals to strive for.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Jobs of the National Riffle Association Essay example -- National

The Jobs of the NRA Today the National Rifle Association is the largest association that protects your second amendment rights. The NRA was created in 1871 for one primary reason. However what most people don’t know is that its intention has changed very much overtime. There have been many different presidents and spokespersons of the NRA over time, which has always been ready to defend your gun rights at all costs. Furthermore the basis of the NRA has changed with a growing and always changing government. The location of where the NRA is based primarily out of has changed much over time as well. Going into detail the NRA will be thoroughly explained giving knowledge of the history as well as there purpose through out the years to come. Two Union veterans Col. William C. Church and Gen. George Wingate created the National Rifle Association in 1871(1). The Primary reason they created it was to help soldiers with their marksmanship, because Col. Church and Gen. Wingate noticed that their troops had a major lack in their accuracy. Starting in 1873 the NRA would begin holding annual competitions at their range Creedmoor. Their purpose again started to expand quickly with the promotion of shooting in America’s youth. The NRA pushed for colleges and universities to start rifle clubs. Still today there are over a million youth involved in shooting competitions. In 1934 the NRA formed the Legislative Affairs Division that was in place to notify people of legislative facts about their second amendment rights. This only informed members of issues however if they wanted to do something about the issues in government they would have to take out action on their own. After time passed the NRA realized they would have to st ep up their game an... ...rvised. The NRA funds classes for firearm safety and conducts simnars around the United States and Canada insuring safety of women. The NRA is Americas longest stand civil rights organization. In the book Gun Crusaders by Scott Melzer he says â€Å"They Fear losing their guns, and they fear losing their freedoms.†(pg.1) This is what the NRA fights for, to keep your rights and freedoms from the government. Works Cited "A Brief History of NRA." A Brief History of NRA. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 April 2014. Melzer, Scott. Gun Crusaders: The NRA's Culture War. New York: New York UP, 2009. Print. "NRA | History." NRA | History. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 April 2014. "The NRA Speaks: 14 Quotes from Wayne LaPierre a Week after Sandy Hook tragedy." Gun Control Now USA. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 April 2014. "NRA|Contact Us." NRA|Contact Us. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 April 2014.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Violence Runner

Throughout the history, there have been leaders of good and evil, moral and immoral, peaceful and violent alike. Sometimes, when the evil takes power and misuses it, the staggering impact they entail in the society can be appalling and outrageous. In Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner, Assef is exemplary of an evil leader who misuses his power and stands in the frontlines of crippling Afghanistan and its people into a pitch-black mist of chaos. First of all, Hosseini places Assef under the perfect setting in which the author bestows Assef the opportunity to develop his power as an antagonist in the novel. In the nineteenth century, Hazaras fails to rise against the Pashtuns in Afghanistan, and subsequently, discrimination against the Hazaras becomes prevalent in the society. In this type of environment, Assef naturally gains superiority over the Hazaras as a Pashtun and forms discriminative views and ethnic hatred towards them. It is even understandable for Assef to claim Adolf Hitler, the infamous dictator who relentlessly exterminated millions of Jews and other ethnic groups, to be a great leader, â€Å"a man with vision. (Hosseini, page 40) This is because to Assef, Hitler is his role model; Assef believes that Hazaras should be exterminated from the face of the earth, as he is determined to ask Daoud Khan, the newly president, â€Å"to rid Afghanistan of all the dirty, Kaseef Hazaras. † (Hosseini, page 40) This way, Assef naturally develops his relentlessness and sadism that he fully makes usage out of. His violent mindset against the Hazaras leads him to later join the Taliban, in which he gains the position to freely kill Hazaras without punishment, and relentlessly ties up Afghanistan in a bundle of Taliban laws. As we can see, Assef uses his superiority over the Hazaras that he gains from the society that he lives in, and manipulates it fully to dominate over the ethnic group. To control and frighten them he would often times use violence as his tool. Assef rules the streets of Wazir Akbar Khan section of Kabul with his notorious savagery and relentless violence. In the streets of the Wazir Akbar Khan, Assef’s â€Å"word is law†, and if the law is broken, then his stainless-steel brass knuckles are used accordingly as a punishment. Hosseini, pag3 38) Here, Hosseini uses stainless-steel brass knuckles as a significant motif throughout the novel, and also a symbol of violence and dominating power. Whenever we see Assef performing violence on somebody, we can observe emergence of his brass knuckles. When Hassan defends Amir against Assef with his slingshot, Assef tells Hassan and Amir, â€Å"this doesn’t end today, believe me. † (Hosseini, page 42) This suggests that Assef is a relentless, merciless and vengeful figure, foreshadowing his later revenge against Hassan and Amir. The brass knuckles appear again towards the end of the novel, when Assef beats Amir miserably with his brass knuckles â€Å"flashing in the afternoon light,† and thus fulfilling his warning and revenge that he had in his childhood. (Hosseini, page 288) These brass knuckles clearly represent physical domination on those who do not have such power; these multiple scenes of the recurring emergence of the brass knuckles suggest that violence is his power, his way to rule. Despite Assef’s unbearable deeds of violence, he holds one power that not everyone has: the power to change one’s life completely. Rape is a significant motif that is used throughout the novel by Assef. The reason why this motif is so crucial is that through rape, Assef destroys one’s integrity, emotional stability and dignity, and fully dominates them both physically and emotionally. Two significant cases would be Hassan’s rape and the other, Sohrab’s rape. By raping Hassan, Assef destroys two individuals: Hassan, who faces emotional trauma and breakdown afterwards, and Amir. Assef raping Hassan is the source of Amir feeling guilty and in remorse of not standing up for Hassan, and eventually leads him to make Hassan leave his family and ends up feeling guilty in his entire life, until he finds Sohrab alive and to redeem himself, plunges himself in the Taliban world to save Sohrab. Clearly, Assef held the key to change both lives. On the other hand, Sohrab’s life is changed dramatically through rape. As a result, Sohrab loses speech ability and feels extremely guilty, as he claims himself to be â€Å"so dirty and full of sin. † (Hosseini, page 319). These two â€Å"lambs†, Hassan and Sohrab, are sacrificed as a result of Assef’s misuse of power. Assef is clearly a violent man who holds the power in The Kite Runner. Assef makes full use of the power that he naturally gains in the society that he lives in, fully develops it and holds the key to change the society dramatically. He is the violence runner, to whom violence is always the solution to problems.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Rise of the Spring by Stravinsky

I attended a symphony orchestra at Alexander Kasser Theater in Montclair State University on Wednesday, December 8th, 2010 at 7:30 pm. The program was approximately an hour and a half long, with two parts and a short intermission. The Rite of Spring (Le Sacre du printemps- 1913) by Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971) was performed. There was an assortment of musical energy in parts of the first section of the symphony with a quantity of sections constantly changing rhythms. I really enjoyed the piece, it was not too long to become fed up with and distracted. Listening to the piece made me feel adventurous in some points; not knowing what could happen next, almost like to a movie. The Rite of Spring is a piece that tells a story, where in order for spring to rise, a young female must be chosen before the sage and dance to death. This piece is full of paradox, the music is incredibly dynamic, loud and soft, startling and delicate, and dark and it is extravagant. The Rise of the Spring is textured in its irregular time signatures and instrumental diversity (trumpets, flutes, clarinets, bassoons, string arrangements, etc. ). There was a percussive use of strings, halting rhythms, and also irregular meters. The first act began with an opening solo of the Bassoon. Later on, half of the Violas played in B Minor when the other half played B Major, then the trumpets enter, causing a dramatic importance in the piece. The tones bounced off each other, making it sound much alike harmonically. Those strings would play in a strict rhythm together, suddenly following up with French horns. After the horns and trumpet, the music stops, â€Å"the chosen one† of the piece must become the sacrifice. Those famous measures have eleven quarter notes playing that show the glorification of â€Å"the chosen one†. Every glorification of every measure is basically in a different meter, and it is quite challenging to play as I witnessed. The very last quarter of the piece signifies the moment of death, having the double bass play four different pitches at the same time. Whether or not it was intentional on Stravinsky’s part, the notes were in order of D-E-A-D. It sounds quite irregular but also entwined to make the piece sound superior, which is why Igor was very clever in his time to make such a deep piece here. Without hesitation, I would see another symphony similar to Stravinsky’s The Rise of the Spring.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Using Probability Distribution in Research Simulation

Using Probability Distribution in Research Simulation SimulaciÂÆ' ³n PAGE 2SimulaciÂÆ' ³nRosa I. Vega SingUniversity of PhoenixResearch and Evaluation - RES/341Prof. Evaristo Medina19 de Febrero de 2009SimulaciÂÆ' ³nEn este ensayo se hablara de la Industria de los relojes de cuarzo, de la compaÂÆ' ±Ã‚Æ' ­a Aquines; la cual se explicara y se analizara como su mercado se ha afectado. La industria de los relojes de cuarzo se ha experimentado una baja sustancial en las ventas, por lo que tiene un 25% del mercado en los Estados Unidos. Al Sr. Jean Dubois tomo la decisiÂÆ' ³n de unirse a la compaÂÆ' ±Ã‚Æ' ­a Aquines, se estableciÂÆ' ³ la divisiÂÆ' ³n de su reloj mecÂÆ' ¡nico. Una vez sucediÂÆ' ³ la divisiÂÆ' ³n las ventas de los relojes mecÂÆ' ¡nico no obtuvo los mÂÆ' ¡rgenes esperados, siendo asÂÆ' ­ que tuvieron por obligaciÂÆ' ³n comenzar un anÂÆ' ¡lisis sobre el porque Aquine estaba perdiendo un porciento alto en las ventas del mercado suiza. Mientras que las ventas del reloj de cuarzo en el mercado obtuvo un aumentÂÆ' ³ de un 25%.Howard Gray portraitEl director ejecutivo de la empresa Aquines el Sr. Howard Gray, desea saber cÂÆ' ³mo se puede comparar los relojes que se hacen en su empresa con otros que estÂÆ' ¡n actualmente en la industria. El Sr. Jean Dubois Vicepresidente en la divisiÂÆ' ³n relojes mecÂÆ' ¡nicos, piensa que no hay problema en la calidad trabajada en los relojes, pero desea saber que opina el consumidor de los relojes fabricados por la empresa vs. a las otras compaÂÆ' ±Ã‚Æ' ­a. El Sr. Uma Gardner Vicepresidente de producciÂÆ' ³n, en la divisiÂÆ' ³n de relojes mecÂÆ' ¡nicos, entiende que la SOCC en las pruebas del consumidor sobre los cronometro ha sido uno de los factores que ha influido en la baja de dicha divisiÂÆ' ³n. El Sra. Amanda Hamilton Vicepresidenta del departamento de Mercadeo, piensa que los relojes no se igualan a la calidad de los relojes suizos,

Monday, October 21, 2019

JFK as Irish Catholic essays

JFK as Irish Catholic essays The racial identity and racial formation of the Irish is rooted back to the English conquest and hostility toward Catholicism. The Irish were deemed savages, a social group that did not know how to use land properly. Many had fled from Ireland due to oppression and loss of land. The Irish were not accepted socially as being white. The Irish were able to politically use the socially accepted racial identity, whiteness, to overcome ethnic discrimination. The Irish used to be the object of race riots, in which along with the blacks they would be lynched. By politically changing how the pubic identified who they were, they were able to escape this oppression. The Irish Americans were becoming a powerful economic and political group and because of this their racial distinctions soon became less evident. The Irish Americans who were once classified as Celts, were now of Caucasian fold. By being racially classified as Caucasian the Irish Americans would find that their would be a lot more political and economic opportunities. The ethnic group that was once racially personified as being lazy, self-indulgent and vain now hold prominent figures in all aspects of society. The Irish were able to challenge the Irish race designation, an gain a new social respect by racially being labeled Caucasian. Unfortunately race will forever play a dominant role within the social aspect of American culture. Collectively as a society it is important that we eliminate prejudice and discrimination as diversity has become a central aspect of our culture. We will however never reach equality unless the dominance and superiority that underlies whiteness within our culture is erased. The idea of racially categorizing certain individuals as being white is a fallacy. America invented this ethnicity as a means to control who has political and econ ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Essay on Socialization

Essay on Socialization Essay on Socialization This is a free example essay on Socialization: Nature versus nurture: According to one side of the debate, individuals and social behavior are a product of heredity or nature. The others say that individual and social behavior are a product of experience and learning or nurture. Darwin pushed the nature viewpoint in his theory of evolution. â€Å"Humans are a product of natural processes†, he said. Evolutionary theorist used his theory to explain cross cultural differences and social inequalities. According to this, the dominant positions the Europeans occupied in the world was a result of natural selection – Asian, African and other people were regarded as biologically inferior. Within a group, people were believed to be rich and poor due to â€Å"survival of the fittest†. The concept of survival of the fittest was used to justify genocide. In the 20th century the pendulum swayed toward â€Å"nurture†. Pavlov experimented to show that dogs could be taught to salivate even at the sound of a bell, Skinner showed that pigeons could be taught ping-pong. The experiments were done through â€Å"reward† and â€Å"punishment†. These social scientists argued that human mind is equally malleable. It was believed that human mind is tabula rasa, upon which experience writes. Watson wrote: Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-informed, and my own specified world, to bring them up in, and I’ll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select – doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant chief and, yes, even beggar man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations and race.(1924). In other words, for behaviorists, socialization is everything. According to sociobiology, biological principles may be used to explain social activities of social animals including humans. According to sociobiology, human sexual behavior and courtship are based on inborn traits. They point out that in most animals, males are much larger and more aggressive and tend to dominate the â€Å"weaker† sex and that is the reason in all human societies, males tend to hold positions of greater authority. However, these issues have remained highly controversial and have been much debated about. Usually animals placed low on the evolutionary scale grow with little or no help from adults. Behavior of the â€Å"young† is more or less similar to the behavior of the â€Å"adults†. However, â€Å"higher† animals need to learn appropriate behavior. A human infant is most dependent of all. A child can not survive unaided for at least the first four to five years. Socialization is the process whereby people learn the attitudes, actions and values appropriate to individuals as members of a particular culture. Ways in which people learn to conform to their society’s norms, values and roles. People learn to behave according to the norms of their culture. For example in the U.S., people grow up to view wealth as desirable and to blame the poor for their condition. Socialization occurs through human interaction, family members, teachers, best friends and also the media and the Internet. Socialization helps us acquire a sense of personal identity and learn what people in the surrounding culture believe and how they expect one to behave. Socialization connects different generations to one another (Turnbull 1983). Birth of a child alters the lives of those who bring up the child. Thus learning and adjustment go on throughout the life cycle. The process of socialization Freud viewed socialization as a confrontation between the child and society. According to him there is constant struggle between the child driven by powerful, inborn sexual and aggressive urges and elders who try to impose on the child appropriate behavior. Other sociologists like Cooley and Herbert Mead view it as collaboration between the child and society. Freud’s theory has been largely criticized. Some have rejected the idea that infants have erotic wishes and that what happens during infancy and childhood has its impact throughout life and the feminists have criticized him for directing his theories too much toward male experience. Mead’s ideas focus on symbolic interactionism. This is the notion that interactions between humans take place though symbols and interpretations of meanings. According to Mead, young children develop as social beings by imitating the action of those around them. In their play, small children often imitate the adults. Mead called this, â€Å"taking the role of another† – learning what it is like to be in the shoes of another. At this stage they acquire a sense of self. Agents of Socialization In all cultures, the family is the main source of socialization. Later in life, other agencies come into play. In modern societies, children spend most of their early years within a domestic unit consisting of mother, father and maybe siblings. In many cultures, uncles, aunts and grandparents do the caretaking of infants. Another agency of socialization is peer group. This is a friendship group of children of a similar age (peer means equal). Peer relations are founded upon mutual consent and the relations are reasonable egalitarian. Schools are another agency of socialization. Alongside the formal curriculum there is also hidden curriculum. Children learn discipline. Mass media – newspapers, magazines, radio and TV have become important to our lives and hence important socializing agencies. Television violence leads to violence in some children but educational programs also teach children prosocial behaviors like sharing and getting along with others – Sesame Street, The Cosby show etc. Children are as susceptible to good TV messages as they are to bad ones. Work place involves learning to behave appropriately within a work environment. Socialization at work place represents the harsh reality and realization of an ambition. Sesame Street Workshop for children This is a TV workshop that brings certain messages to children and help bring about change in people’s attitudes. The messages help break stereotypes and bridge understanding between people. It teaches them to be respectful and tolerant of others. CapeTown version of Sesame street is called Takalani Sesame. It has introduced an HIV positive character who is talented but tires very fast. This is done to ensure that kids do not demonize people with AIDS, to destigmatize AIDS victims and to make them socially acceptable. In an episode, when the muppet is asked what she wishes for, she says, â€Å"I wish that my mom was alive, that people were kind and that people were healthy†. The Middle East version of Sesame Street is called Sesame Story. It emphasizes on peace education by connecting Palestinian and Israeli muppets. It narrates stories that humanize people around the world and enhances understanding between people. â€Å"Unsocialized† children (feral or â€Å"untamed† children) What would children be like if they were raised in the absence of adult humans. The story of â€Å"the wild boy of Aveyron† goes as follows – In early 1800, a strange creature emerged from the woods in southern France. He walked erect, but looked more animal than human. He spoke only strange sounding shrills. He had no sense of hygiene and relieved himself wherever he chose. He wore no clothes. He was brought to a police station and then taken to an orphanage. He refused to wear clothes, tore them off as soon as they were put on him and no parents came to claim him. After a thorough medical examination, no major physical abnormalities were found. Observation revealed that the boy was not completely without intelligence. Later he was toilet-trained and taught to wear clothes. He learned some human speech but made little progress and died around the age of 40 years. In another case, a Californian girl named Genie, born with a defective hip was kept locked by her psychotic father for twelve years. Her mother who was blind and highly dependent was also locked up in isolation. The only contact they had with outside world was through a teenage son who went to school and did grocery shopping. Genie was not toilet trained. She had never heard anyone talk, had no toys and was kept tied up by her father who also beat her frequently. When the girl was around 12 years of age, her mother escaped with her and placed her in a rehabilitation center. Here she was toilet-trained, she learned to eat, talk and walk etc. Her mastery of the language never progressed beyond that of a 3 – 4 year old. She was a case of a child who had been deprived of social learning. She was alive but not a social being. In both the cases of â€Å"feral† children, (raised without adults, and in isolation) by the time they came into contact with humans, children had grown beyond the age of learning language and other behaviors. This goes to show how limited our faculties would be in the absence of an extended period of early socialization. Even the most basic human traits depend upon socialization. Need for love All studies point to the undeniable need for nuturance in early childhood. Extreme isolation is related to profound retardation in acquisition of social and language skills. Cross-cultural variations Cross-cultural studies are also a good indication of the impact of socialization on human behavior. Margaret Mead (1935) conducted a classic study to find out whether women are nurturing by â€Å"nature† and men aggressive by â€Å"nature†? Her study in New Guinea showed that males proved as mild–mannered and nurturing as the females. Little boys treated infant girls like dolls. Men could not stand to hear a baby cry. Members of both sexes behaved in ways that we might call â€Å"feminine†. In another tribe she found that women were as hot-tempered, combative and uncaring as men were. Her work indicated that human behavior is largely learned. Resocialization Many adults and even adolescents experience the need to correct certain patterns of prior social learning that they and others find detrimental. Resocialization is a process whereby individuals undergo intense and deliberate socialization designed to change major beliefs and behaviors. Often aimed at changing behaviors like drinking, drug abuse, overeating etc. ______________ is a professional essay writing service which can provide high school, college and university students with 100% original custom written essays, research papers, term papers, dissertations, courseworks, homeworks, book reviews, book reports, lab reports, projects, presentations and other assignments of top quality. More than 700 professional Ph.D. and Master’s academic writers. Feel free to order a custom written essay on Socialization from our professional essay writing service.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

What strategies are effective in prolonging breastfeeding Essay

What strategies are effective in prolonging breastfeeding - Essay Example Also, breast milk is economical, readily available (NHS, 2007), and could positively affect the child’s IQ level. (Angelsen et al., 2001) For this reason, the World Health Organization (WHO) strongly recommends mothers to breastfeed their baby up to the first 6th month of age (WHO, 2007) while others recommend that breastfeeding should last up to the 12th month of age (National Health and Medical Research Council, 2003). Considering the benefits of breastfeeding, it is necessary to determine several strategies that could prolong the breastfeeding between the nursing mother and a new born infant. In the process, the research study will contribute a lot to the â€Å"Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative† (BFHI) project that was organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) back in 1992 in order to promote a global breast-feeding practice. (Unicef, 2007) A lot of mothers are experiencing difficulties related to breastfeeding during the early part of postpartum period. There are quite a number of factors such as the type of labour and birth (Jordan et al., 2005; Henderson et al., 2003; Rowe-Murray & Fisher, 2002; Sinusas & Gagliardi, 2001) as well as nutritional intake the expectant mother (McCrory et al., 1999) has been exposed with may affect the production of breast milk among the newly mothers. A good example related to the type of labour is the research study conducted by Torvaldsen et al. (2006), Baumgarder et al. (2003, and Henderson et al. (2003) showing the use of epidurals or adding fentanyl (an opoid) to epidurals analgesia during the time the expectant mother is in labour blocks the opportunity for mothers to fully breastfed their infants few days after the delivery. Eventually, the drug ceases breast milk production during or right after the first 24 weeks. Although it has been noted that the use of epidurals could result to difficulty in breastfeeding, the impact of

Friday, October 18, 2019

Love. How to start an Business in USA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Love. How to start an Business in USA - Essay Example This paper will demonstrate how to start a business in Chicago, Illinois and also acts as a basic guideline for an individual who has yet to go through an actual implementation process. This paper is based on the research carried out to reveal the steps which are necessary to be taken when starting a retail pharmacy business in Chicago. The importance of intellectual property (IP) should be recognized thoroughly by a start-up business owner. IP is actually a legal concept and is sadly, poorly misunderstood by many people who wish to start their own businesses and think that this concept can only be appropriately applied by those people who are legal experts. Every enterprise, company or business organization should pay attention to IP. IP can help the owners at every stage of business development â€Å"from product development to product design, from service delivery to marketing, and from raising financial resources to exporting or expanding your business abroad† (World Intellectual Property Organization, n.d.). in order to maximize the benefits, business owners should know how to use the IP system. It is worth mentioning that in case IP being used belongs to others, then rights have to be acquired to use it by obtaining a license so that forthcoming disputes and litigation could be avoided by the novice in dividuals intent on establishing personal businesses. IP is also important to a business because it helps in copyright protection and get fair economic awards on grounds of a business’s individual creativity and product sales. Retail pharmacy is recognized as one of the mainstream profitable businesses in entire USA. But, area requirements should be deeply understood and assessed before implementing and operating any business concept, According to Woodfield (2012), State of Illinois Business Portal suggests that before

Legal Memo Thesis Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Legal Memo - Thesis Proposal Example In Blair v. Tynes, 610 So.2d 956, 960 (La.Ct.App. 1st Cir.1992), it was held by the court that people who suffered psychological distress on account of the failure of the enforcement authorities, to uphold law and order, could claim damages for serious mental distress. The tort of severe emotional distress, aims to provide recoverable damages for those who have undergone mental anguish, grief or fright due to the acts of another person. The factors necessary to establish this tort are ambiguous, which explains the divergent court decisions. As such, this tort attempts to ensure that the members of a civilized society are not exposed to behavior that is emotionally distressing and outrageous. To claim damages under La. C. C. art 2315.6, for intentional infliction of emotional distress, the plaintiff has to prove that she had suffered a traumatic injury that resulted in mental distress. For the purposes of this tort of intentional infliction of emotional distress, the conduct should be so extreme and outrageous that all possible limits of decency are crossed. In addition, such conduct should be atrocious and absolutely intolerable in any civilized society. In Donnie Norred and Wife, Shirley Norred and Arlen J. Guidry and Wife, Linda J. Guidry v. Radisson Hotel Corporation and Radisson Hotels International, Inc., 95 0748 (La.App. 1 Cir. 12/15/95); 665 So. 2d 753, a wife claimed damages against a hotel, where her husband had been robbed. Her claim was for emotional distress caused by the incident. The court held that she could not claim such damages, as she could not establish that she had undergone genuine and serious emotional distress. As such, she had not been present during the robbery. In Estate of Rayo Lejeune v. Rayne Branch Hospital., 88-890 (La. App. 3 Cir. 2/10/89); 539 So. 2d 849, a wife claimed damages for the mental anguish caused to her, when she saw her comatose husband covered with rat bites in the hospital. Supreme Court

Obama Inaurgural Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Obama Inaurgural Speech - Essay Example Despite all the issues the country has been able to recoup and has been able to fight back all issues successfully (Yahoo News, 2009). The president’s speech focused a lot on how he would work on solving issues which the country is currently facing, however this would be possible only if the citizens took up some responsibility. He also mentions that the success of the country mainly depends on the hard work, honesty, courage and fair play, tolerance and curiosity, loyalty and patriotism. He highlighted the importance of these aspects for the country’s success. He paid a lot of importance to the divided efforts of every individual of the country to work towards fighting all the issues that the country is currently facing, which he felt is an important promise and a price to be paid by every citizen of the country (Yahoo News, 2009). President Barack Obama recognised and highlighted a number of issues that are being faced by the country at present. In the inaugural speech Obama has addressed a number of issues which he plans to resolve. President highlighted the issues of the country moving into a recession and also highlighted the various issues that have been caused due to the irresponsibility of a few people, greed and collective failure of a number of decisions made. He felt that these issues would definitely cause the country to decline to a great extent. Thus to resolve this President has tried and requested the country to understand their responsibilities and to take actions to ensure a united improvement of the country (Yahoo News, 2009). The President also mentioned the issue of conflicts and discord which has been prevalent in the country and has decided to try and solve these issues. The President highlighted that United States of America is a country with a number of different religions and a number of different cultures. Also he aims at improving the economic condition of the country and this he mentioned required responsible spending by

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Development and social enterprise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Development and social enterprise - Essay Example Each group member, as expected in a group, has been deeply involved in the presentation in order to achieve the level of success exhibited. This assignment therefore, discusses the group formation process and the roles of the members (mine, particularly) in the presentation with regard to Bion’s theories on the functionality of a group. My central in the group is to ensure that my expertise in children development is adhered among the goals and misiion of the social enterprice. I played a significant part in ensuring that bringining up of the children in sports is in accordance to ethical and physical growth development of children. As a professional I am aware that children have different developmental thus I was able to help the group formulate policies that work in-line with ethical standards. In order to remain sustainable, I had to come up with programs and schedules that guide the organization on how to handle children since children have different modes of care as compared to adults. According to Bions theory, groups should operate in two under two strictly contrasting manner. He called these work group and basic funationing and mentality. As a professional I was able to guide the group on the possible ways of imporving the true feeling of the children towards dances and various activities. Children have different modes of taking cognitive skills thus, with reference to Bion, I was able to develop frameworks that helps in the group in basic functioning. I started showing my interest in leading the group even before its formation owing to the fact that I took the initiative of soliciting the other three members. The member selection process was based on the familiarity and friendship. I chose the bases for the reason that it is easier to deal with friends than strangers in matters such as those involved in a group or teamwork for that matter. The forming stage of our group

Case Law Study in Ratio Decidendi Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Case Law Study in Ratio Decidendi - Essay Example After this the type of effect that this case has on the Magistrates' Courts of Queensland is discussed and explained. Subsequently, the question of law that the court had to address is discussed, along with the reason as to how the Court reached its decision. After this the steps that the police could have taken in their investigation are discussed. Finally, the far reaching results of this decision and the events of this case are discussed. Throughout the discussion relevant case law is discussed to elucidate the subject matter. In the case of R VS AS, in the early hours of the 10th of November 2001, a male person entered Ms W's residence in Lowood and made an attempt to rape her. However, she was successful in repulsing his attacks and her attacker after punching her in the eye, escaped from that place. Ms W described her attacker as being a tall aboriginal wearing a yellow T shirt and pants which were of some heavy material like jeans. Further, she stated that she had seen this person in the driveway of the flats and that she had been informed his name as being AS prior to being attacked. After being attacked she went to Ms D's premises for help. Later on Jason Crowther the police sergeant arrived and he described the morning as being overcast with drizzling rain. He also stated that espied a man riding a bicycle and wearing a cream coloured shirt and identified him as being A. However, his notes did not refer either by name or as being an aboriginal. On the very same day Ms W identified A after seeing a photo board at the police station of young aboriginal males. During cross examination she stated that she had based her identification on the fact that she had seen A in her neighbourhood. It was also revealed that W generally wore glasses and that her eyesight was so weak that even in the courtroom she was not able to clearly distinguish the features of the counsel cross examining her. It also came to light that at the time of the assault she had not been wearing spectacles. After being punched in the face her eye was so swollen that she made no attempt to wear glasses and consequently, she was not wearing them while seeing the photo board at the police station. She also admitted that at the time of the assault it was quite dark in her room. She stated that she confirmed her identification of the rapist only after seeing the photo board. Furthermore, the Crown did not give any evidence as to how they had selected the particular photographs that were shown to W and she stated that she had only obtained a glimpse of the assaulter's rear while he was escaping through a gap that he had made in the screen door. The other evidence was restricted to making an attempt to establish that AS was seen in that particular neighbourhood at that time. In addition to sergeant Crowther, the ambulance driver also stated that he had seen a tall aboriginal in a yellow T shirt walking in that area. One Yacoob Moola, the owner of a Service Station in that area also identified this person who had come to make purchases at that early hour. His son Ahmed Moola saw AS riding a bicycle around that time. Similarly, Douglas and Peggy Heathcote also deposed that they had seen a young Aboriginal standing in the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Development and social enterprise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Development and social enterprise - Essay Example Each group member, as expected in a group, has been deeply involved in the presentation in order to achieve the level of success exhibited. This assignment therefore, discusses the group formation process and the roles of the members (mine, particularly) in the presentation with regard to Bion’s theories on the functionality of a group. My central in the group is to ensure that my expertise in children development is adhered among the goals and misiion of the social enterprice. I played a significant part in ensuring that bringining up of the children in sports is in accordance to ethical and physical growth development of children. As a professional I am aware that children have different developmental thus I was able to help the group formulate policies that work in-line with ethical standards. In order to remain sustainable, I had to come up with programs and schedules that guide the organization on how to handle children since children have different modes of care as compared to adults. According to Bions theory, groups should operate in two under two strictly contrasting manner. He called these work group and basic funationing and mentality. As a professional I was able to guide the group on the possible ways of imporving the true feeling of the children towards dances and various activities. Children have different modes of taking cognitive skills thus, with reference to Bion, I was able to develop frameworks that helps in the group in basic functioning. I started showing my interest in leading the group even before its formation owing to the fact that I took the initiative of soliciting the other three members. The member selection process was based on the familiarity and friendship. I chose the bases for the reason that it is easier to deal with friends than strangers in matters such as those involved in a group or teamwork for that matter. The forming stage of our group

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Creative Strategies for Community Health Assignment

Creative Strategies for Community Health - Assignment Example Currently 17 percent of children in the United States who are aged between the ages of 2 and 19 years old, and an average of 10.4 percent of preschoolers are overweight. The condition affects children of all ages, race, gender groups and countries (Davies, Fitzgerald & Mousouli, 2008). One of the most successful strategies used in Childhood obesity management is weight and nutritional counseling at the community level. This strategy is effectively being applied in a community based, Childhood obesity management program in Boston that has been dubbed â€Å"Fitness in the City† (FIC). 11 Boston community health centers are currently actively participating in the project with clinicians, nurses and other community based health practitioners being used to offer weight and nutritional counseling services to the community (Graham, 2008). The foremost benefit of this approach is that, clinicians are able to attend to both children and parents at the same time, and hence they find themselves better equipped to help work out adequate lifestyle changes suitable for the whole family. Another major advantage of this strategy is that the children attending the appointments and the rest of their families are not required to leave their neighborhoods so as to be able to access the services this has been of immense help in reducing the number of children who end up missing appointments (Graham, 2008). The Columbus city schools wellness initiative uses innovative strategies to help in reducing childhood obesity rates in the district. The programs uses strategies such as regular BMI screenings for children, water only options in vending machines, in the schools participating in the program, restricted servings for beverages other than water, development of enhanced health education curriculums in the schools. These strategies have considerably helped reduce the

Monday, October 14, 2019

Marketing objectives and strategies for Special Shoes

Marketing objectives and strategies for Special Shoes EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Special Shoes is one of the most successful shoe shops in the country. Although it is quite popular, Special Shoes need an online based shopping site or a website to further enhance their position as one of the top shoe shops in the country. Currently, customers must travel to the actual shop to purchase their shoes. With the creation of the website, customer can easily browse through the selection of available shoes and products provided by the Special Shoes Company and even receive services and promotion in their member areas. As some people might not like an online store where shoes cannot be tried out before purchasing/ordering, Special Shoes will provide chiropody advice services to the customer to further enhance the customer satisfaction on the product and guide the customer to good foot health. To make both existing and potential customer aware of the new e-commerce site and in effort to encourage them to visit the website, comparative advertising will be used. With comparative advertising, it will be designed to highlight the advantages of the goods or services offered by Special Shoes Company compared to those of other shoe shops available in the country. For a successful comparative advertisement, the comparison between the goods or services must be shown by the objective and the message of the advertisement by describing their main characteristics. Marketing Strategy Part of Special Shoes marketing strategy will base solely on its products and services provided. Special Shoes will also use advertisement that will receive abundant attention by the existing and potential customer. The strategy of the marketing campaign is to increase the target customer awareness of Special Shoes. Mission Special Shoes mission is to provide a wide selection of shoes and outstanding customer service. It will exist to attract and maintain customers. Their services will exceed the expectation of the customers. Marketing Objectives The marketing objective of the new e-commerce site of Special Shoes is to build an effective pull campaign, bringing in new customer and keeping the loyalty of existing customers. Marketing Activities: Positioning Special Shoes will position itself as the premier outlet for online shoe shopping, providing the customer with the largest selection, rivaling some of the other shoe shops in the country. Special Shoes will leverage their competitive edge to achieve this desired positioning. To achieve a competitive edge, Special Shoes will provide as much selection of shoes as possible. Membership Membership can be introduced either to new or existing customer through online or offline means. With the registration of customers as members, they are entitled to special discount rates and privileges provided by the Special Shoes. The first 100 customers to register will get a one year membership for free with 12 monthly issues of Special Shoes magazine. Promotions and Discounts. Promotions and discounts of the products and services of the Special shoes can be made known to the customer through online or offline means. Through online means, customers can either be sent an email or text message to inform them of the ongoing promotion and discounts. Through offline means, advertisement can be used to attract new and existing customers. Media Advertisements To further attract new customers and to inform the existing customer of the new website, advertisements can be used to achieve this aim. Examples of media advertisements that can be used are television, radio and newspaper. Chiropody advice Special Shoes will also be able to provide chiropody advice services to the customer as Special Shoes recognize that their competitors did not offer this services. Addressing Existing Customer and New Customer Existing Customers To address the existing customer of the new Special Shoes website, encouragement and recommendation of online registration to the website can be made to get the transition of the existing customer from offline to online. New Customers Through advertisements, new customers can be made, therefore information of the website must be made clear and concise so that future customers can be attracted to become a member to the Special Shoes. Offline Marketing Requirements Offline marketing is also crucial in promoting the Special Shoes shop where examples of offline marketing techniques that can be use are outdoor signage such as billboards, press releases and including the website address on business cards or other printed marketable material. Target Market Special Shoes is targeting the population segments within a broad category of age, gender and needs. Since most of the customer will purchase shoes for the workplace as well as for leisure time. Special Shoes have targeted this broad selection of customer as they have the need for many different pairs of shoes for all of their different activities and needs. Strategies Special Shoes marketing strategy will seek to create customer awareness regarding the products that they offer, develop the customer base, and work toward building customer loyalty and referrals. The messages that Special Shoe will seek to communicate are that the offer the largest selection of shoes and provide chiropody advice services online. People no longer need to go to the actual shop to find what shoes are available. A method of communication is by advertisement in the local media which will be placed in newspapers, radio and televisions. Another method of communication will be through online advertisement such as emails, a system of communicating electronically where this will eliminate unneeded spending on postal fees to inform the customers of new products and services provided by Special Shoes. Another means of communication that can be used is the RSS feeds. What is the method to track visitors going to the website? Tracking visitors visiting the Special Shoes website may be beneficial where the data from the feedbacks of visitors can be extremely helpful in tweaking and fine-tuning your site. The more data that can be collected from the visitors, the more productive and effective the campaigns, contents, and services can be produced. There are many tools and application that is provided in the internet in order to track website visitors. Some examples of these tools are free website tracking software, analytic software and services that track and analyze data. In creating websites free website tracking software are available on the internet. In relation to this, website designer would probably have access to cpanel. Cpanel is an open-source GUI interface that administers to the websites and blogs. Cpanel also have the ability to view current and historical statistics regarding the domain. Most cpanel interface includes these two programs such as Webalizer and AwStats (Advanced Web Statistics). Webalizer is a tool that keeps track of specific types of data and shows it graphically on the web. Webalizer collects data such as the URL (shows the URL that was requested by the users browser), Hit (every single HTTP request that your visitors browser submits is counted as a hit), Visitor (each specific IP address or HTTP cookie), Visit (Each time a visitor accesses the website) and the User Agent (the web browser used by the visitor to access the website e.g. Firefox etc). 1172 words

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Lucid Dreams. What are the possible benefits of lucid dreaming? Essays

Introduction Starting from the ancient times human was always interested in strange phenomenon of sleeping and especially in dreams. Dreams were described in different ways. For instance, dreams were explained psychologically like images of sub consciousness and feedback of neural processes in human’s brain. Spiritually, it was described like messages of god (C.S. Lewis, nd). Remarkable that not only human have ability to see dreams but several species of animals (Wilkerson R. 2003). For example, rat’s sleep is almost same as the human’s they have multiple stages of sleep starting from slow wave sleep to REM stage of sleep (Animals have complex dreams, 2001). Another fact is that living beings, including humans, have more REM sleep in younger age (Siegel, 2005). In summary, dreams are well known for strange, amazing and impossible thing to happen in them, but almost all people don’t actually realize that they are sleeping during the dream. To conclude, dream itself co uld be defined as the complexity of images and emotions that occur during certain stages of sleep ("Dream". The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. 2000). It is proved that dreams are linked with rapid-eye movement (REM) stage of sleep which occur every 1.5-2 hours of sleeping and with time progress they become longer. The REM stage usually includes rapid eye movement, heavier breath, increased pulse rate and temporary weakening of muscles (Dream Basics: Understanding Sleep, 2007). It seems that dream can happen not only in REM stages of sleep, but it’s easier to remember a dream by awaking during the REM stage (Dement 1957; Kleitman 1957; Hobson 2009). It is noticed that if the person lives with emotionally rich life and his hormon... .... In addition, every person could use such dreams in practical life not only to gain motivation or overcome social frights by themselves, but also to expand artistic side, and even to develop physically. But, lucid dreams are not so popular, despite the fact that there is plenty of information about what is needed to be done to get ability of viewing lucid dreams, it means that advertisement is needed, so almost everyone will know about that in order to not miss a chance to touch with something that sounds such fantastic. Nevertheless, certain precautionary measures to prevent lucid dream addiction. Moreover, more reliable and affordable devices should be invented, because not everyone has needed amount of time to develop skill of lucid dream. Thus, based on the conclusion, lucid dreams have a great potential, and could give humanity plenty of positive benefits.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Body Language Essay -- Papers Communication Physical Essays

Body Language 1.1 What is Body Language? Body Language is the unspoken communication that goes on in every Face-to-Face conversation with another person. It tells you their true feelings towards you and how well your words are being received. Between 50% of our message is communicated through our Body Language 40 % tone of our voices and 10% only are our words. Your ability to read and understand another person's Body Language can mean the difference between making a great impression or a very bad one! Reading someone body language can help you in a job interview, that meeting, or special date! Every one of us has experienced the feeling of like this person and not dislike that person but without necessarily knowing why. There was something about them. We often refer to this as a hunch or gut feeling, two descriptions directly relating to our own body's physiological reaction. Everyone has experienced the feeling that they have just been lied to, haven't they? We all here during a conversation have experienced the feeling that someone is lying to us. The words of the conversation probably weren't what we noticed as a direct lie. It was more likely to be the body movements that showed he is lying to us. Darting eyes, palms not visible, shifting from one foot to another, hand covering mouth or fingers tugging at the ear are clues. All the clues are there. Our subconscious picks them up, and if we're lucky enough to be perceptive, decodes them and tells us that the words and gestures don't match! Whenever there is a conflict between the words that someone says and their body signals and movem... ... non-verbal indication that you are both thinking along the same lines. It's not always this obvious...Body positioning The easy way to tell whether the person you're talking to is enjoying the conversation: The person is standing facing you with their body and feet pointing towards you and mirroring your positions. The tell-tale signs that someone's feeling uncomfortable or not enjoying the conversation: The person's head is turned towards you and appears engaged in the conversation - smiling, nodding etc, but their body and feet are pointing away from you. If someone's body is turned away from you it will be facing the place where they'd rather be. If they're pointed towards another person or the exit then it's time to terminate the conversation or do something to attract their full attention.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Effects of Discriminatory Practice Essay

Negative behaviour is being aggressive and violent towards a person or a thing. For example if someone is getting discriminated for any reason such as age, culture, sex, appearance or many more their behaviour may become negative towards themselves or others. This is a potential effect of discrimination because they may feel that they have had enough of being discriminated and become aggressive towards the person who is discriminating against them. When a person has negative behaviours because of discrimination they may feel angry and feel that everyone is being discriminative towards them and may feel that they need to do something to stop people from discriminating them. For example in the questionnaires I collected my information from a person was discriminated about their race in a setting which made them upset and angry so they became violent and aggressive towards the person that was discriminating them. This is a clear example of negative behaviours. Low self esteem Low self-esteem is when a person is pushed out and feels unwanted. Self-esteem is a term in psychology to reflect a person’s overall evaluation or appraisal of her or his own worth. When a person has low self-esteem they can feed off each other in a vicious circle; the more depressed or anxious they become the lower their opinion of their self and their abilities. Things that can lower people’s self-esteem are if people discriminate them about their appearance or if they are unhappy with their self-image. For example in the questionnaires I collected  my information from, a person was discriminated

Thursday, October 10, 2019

How Will Earning a Degree Change My Life

College- Is it worth it? In society today a college education isn’t an option, but rather a necessity. When thinking about college people usually think more about what they have to do to get through it when they should be thinking about what they want out of it and what they will gain from it. People often say that college isn’t worth the time and money, but getting a degree and brining the skills you gained to the real world will be very beneficial to you.Some people go to college for the title for being a college student for others it’s a way to leave home and become independent without completely losing the financial help of their parents. Most go because they have to, not because they want to. High school students are constantly being pressured not only by family members but also by guidance counselors to go to college because it’s the â€Å"right thing to do. † We all have an idea of what we want in life, but we end up doing the opposite and do ing what our â€Å"mentors† think is best for us, resulting in being miserable. The investment of time, money and energy is it really worth it?For some fields, a college degree is absolutely necessary. That doesn’t mean you will get a job right after graduation. Even if you do get a job, it is not usually what you have your degree in. College is a gamble most students will be in debt after graduating working any job just to pay those off. Some college graduates even end up back at home living with their parents due to the debt they are in. The competition for decent jobs is increasing. You can’t get a high paying job without at least a bachelor’s degree. Before jobs hired workers with only High school Diplomas but, now they require some college education.Every day the decision is being made to either construct a career or dropout. There are people out there who have never set foot in a college and are doing better than people with master’s degrees. But, those are the exceptions which are one out of a million even millions. So before you make this decision ask yourself; where do I see myself 5 or 10 years from today? Do I need higher education to where I want to be? The skills you gain while in college are skills you will need in the â€Å"real world. † Bills have to be paid, deadlines have to be met and you have to learn to manage time efficiently.It’s completely different from High school because not only are you dealing with school you’re also juggling your personal life and your financial state as well. College has its pros and cons like everything else in life. Your experience will be what you make. If you aren’t willing to put in your all into it, college isn’t for you. You may not get lucky and start your career right after graduating but with persistence and hard work in the long run a degree will help you get to where you want to go in life. Don’t think of as a waste of time a nd money think of it as exciting challenge that will help set up your future.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Development of Evolution Concept

It is a matter of fact that history of evolution is very long and contradictive. The concept of evolution has existed even since ancient times and is being developing nowadays. Modern theory of evolutionary thought was established in 18th-19th centuries. Many outstanding and famous scientists contributed the evolutionary thought and interpreted it in their own way. As it was mentioned above, the concept of evolution appeared and was strongly supported in ancient time by Anaximander, Democritus, Epicurus and Empedocles.Those Greek philosophers made the first attempt to explain the concept of evolution suggesting that humans, sun, earth life and civilization emerged from â€Å"aeons without divine intervention†. (Bowler 2003, 23) The Roman philosopher Lucretius described life development in stages starting from atoms collisions and ending with succession of animals and less brutish humans. Nevertheless, evolutionary thoughts died in Europe after the Roman Empire had fallen; howe ver, the ideas were developed in Islamic countries.It is known that Al-Jahiz claimed that environment affected the animals’ survivals and it had to affect humans as well. Ibn al-Haitham argued even about the explicitly for evolutionism. (Bowler 2003) Matthew Hale in 1677 used the term â€Å"evolution† t attack the atomism of Epicurus and Democritus. He argued that their atomist theory and suggested that collisions and vibrations of atoms had formed not humans and animals, but semina that were â€Å"immediate, primitive, productive principles of men, animals, birds and fishes†. (Riddle 1954, 89) Hale called that mechanism absurdity.The concept of evolution was contributed also by German scientists including Schelling and Hegel. According to them evolution appears to be a fundamentally spiritual process involving both natural and divine interventions. They argued that evolution was â€Å"a self- disclosing revelation of the absolute†. (Riddle 1954, 89) In t he early 18th century German scientist Leibniz suggested that the objects are caused by internal forces. He supported the idea of that evolution involved divine principles. He mentioned that universe couldn’t be formed without God’s works.  (Riddle 1954)In 1745 Pierre Maupertius suggested rather interesting concept considering that all the modern species are the smallest parts produced by the blind destiny. According to him â€Å"chance† has produced innumerable individuals; however only few individuals are able to satisfy their needs, whereas others perish. Therefore he presented the idea of natural selection further contributed by Charles Darwin. One more scientist Buffon suggested the mutability of species and underlined that organisms are influenced strongly by natural processes.In 1755 Kant, German philosopher and scientist predicted the theory that unformed matter develops into the highest types of plants and animals. Kant believed that modifications and variations were the response to â€Å"mechanical laws of the organisms themselves rather than to the influence of their surroundings†. (Bowler 2003, 120) Herder, for example, agreed with the concept of natural selection stating that struggle foe survival and existence played the major role in organic world, although the theme remained undeveloped and rather vague.In the early 19th century Wells assumed that evolution of humans is the principle of natural selection. It is known that Darwin was unaware of Wells’ suggestions and later he acknowledged that Wells was the first to promote the idea of natural selection in the evolutionary thought. In 1833 Charles Lyell emphasized the gradual variation of evolution, where each specie had â€Å"centre of creation and was diagnosed for habitat, but would go extinct when the habitat changed†. (Bowler 2003, 126) The concept was supported by Herschel outlined that natural laws played the most important role in species formi ng.Nevertheless, the most important contribution into development of evolutionary though was actually made by Charles Darwin. Darwin criticized the previous ideas about natural selection assuming they failed to propone the coherent philosophy and to suggest the proper mechanism of species variations. Darwin, in his turn, stated that species had arisen from the â€Å"selective actions of external conditions upon the variations from their specific type which individuals present and which is called spontaneous†. (West 1938, 147) The Darwin’s theory proved to be successful providing the useful statistical models of evolution.In the late 19th century evolutionary though was considerably contributed by the works of Gregor Mendel. He carried out series of experiments and in result provided models for inheritance based on the unit of gene. However, Mendel’s works remained unappreciated for many years and even ignored by biologists. Mendel’s works were â€Å"disc overed† in 1990 and caused a conflict between Mendelians. (Riddle 1954) In 1970s the neutral theory of molecular evolution was presented by famous scientist Motoo Kimura who the first to establish the genetic drift and considered it a mechanism of evolution.One more interesting idea was generated by Lynn Margilus. He presented the theory of symboigenesis arguing that genetic drift and mutations are not enough to explain the concepts of evolution. In the theory Margulis stated that species emerged through the process of symbiosis. (Riddle 1954) In 1972 Stephen Gould suggested the theory of punctuated equilibrium. All the theories were followed by renewal of structuaralist themes in evolutionary ideology. For example, Brian Goodwin incorporated in his researches the ideas of systems theory along with cybernetics and thus emphasized the important role of natural selection.In 1995 Daniel Dennett argued that Darwin’s natural selection is â€Å"algorithmic process applicable to many circumstances besides biological evolution†. (Bowler 2003, 225) Such concept of evolution was called â€Å"universal Darwinism†. It is necessary to outline that the development of evolutionary thought was vivid, though contradictive. Lots of theories and concepts were developed to explain the evolution of human beings, but scientists failed to find the only satisfactory explanation. Nowadays some theories are disapproved, others are improved and followed. (Henderson 2000)

Why are there so many different theories of international politics Essay

Why are there so many different theories of international politics - Essay Example Nevertheless, no one theory can adequately capture all the aspects of these complex relations. It is, therefore, only fair that different theories be used to explicate international politics (Prithi, 2005). This way, one theory adds on to the ideas of another, while at the same time criticizing the other theory. This competition helps us to see the weaknesses and strengths of each theory and its applicability to international politics. In this essay, we take a look at different theories of international politics and applicability to the complexities of world politics. Proponents of the realism theory of international politics hold that states are always struggling to gain power over other states. The sole and most important purpose of a state is to amass as much power as possible, decreasing the power of their enemies in the process. Such states place their self interests above those of other states, thereby creating supremacy battles, with each state endeavoring to be the most prominent (Walt, 2000). This competition often leads to conflicts over which state is superior to the other. However, even among realists, there are differences in thoughts and opinions. For example, classical realists believe that that states are like human beings and that they have an innate need to control other states. This uncontrollable desire for domination often leads to conflicts and wars among the involved states. On the other hand, the neorealist theory which is more modern holds that the international system is to blame for states wanting to control others. Proponents of this new theory argue that each state seeks the best ways to survive in global politics. If the survival of the state depends on its domination of another, then the former is forced to do exactly that. Since there are no international rules that refrain rivalries between states, it becomes easy for states to attack each other for the sake of power. A powerful state is a

Monday, October 7, 2019

Cisplatin-Incorporated Polymeric Micelles (NC-6004) Essay

Cisplatin-Incorporated Polymeric Micelles (NC-6004) - Essay Example The CDDP-incorporated micelle is well suited between its sufficient ability so that it can delay the blood stream circulation. It also boosts enough drug release to remove the pharmacological action. The dissociation of these micelles that form unimers permits the extraction of constituent polymers from the body. It is usually followed by a CDDP release. The low risk of the body possessing the non specific accumulation of polymers is achieved by the molecular weight of the micelle forming blocks being less than the smallest value needed for extraction of glomerular (Mr 42,000-50,000 for synthetic polymers that are soluble in water; Refs. 46, 47). It could be expelled into urine. The study of tumour targeting therapy is recently applying 2 strategies; passive and active targeting. Passive targeting revolves around extended blood circulation with lower accretions in regular organs executed by the design of drug carriers. Tumour tissues that have anatomical characteristics might let the special accretion of the drug carrier in the tumour. The formation of tumour-specific anatomical characteristics is caused by the EPR effect (16-18). This effect is categorized by impaired lymphatic and vascular hypermeability. The excess expression of the vascular endothelial growth factor gene (48-50) and other factors could arise the permeability of the vessels. The passive targeting is relevant when treating solid tumours because the EPR results are evident in them (49-50). This owes to the fact that angiogenesis supports the abnormal tumour growth. Otherwise, active targeting is highly advised when drug vehicle with tumour-derived specific markers (22, 54) is connected to the tumour cells. It is applied during the wiping out of the tumour cells selectively through an accura te strap of targeting moieties. The prolonged blood circulation and the

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Wearing on Her Nerves by Brown and Ellerton Case Study

Wearing on Her Nerves by Brown and Ellerton - Case Study Example The following essay is about a case study that examines Kathy’s Multiple Sclerosis condition. 1. The nervous system consists of sensory systems, which are responsible for perception of sensory information. Receptors and neural pathways that constitute the sensory system effect sensory perception. The human body is a connection of sensory receptors throughout the body that are responsible for message sending to the brain. For example, the skin contains sensory receptors responsible for capturing messages. The messages are sent to the brain through the neural path to the brain, which then triggers the appropriate reflex action. 2. The musculoskeletal system gives organisms, including humans, the ability to move. This system is responsible for support, stability and movement of the body. The motor neuron of the skeletal system is responsible for the skeletal muscle movement. The motor neuron initiates signals to the muscles using the somatic nervous system. 3. A motor unit is a constituent of the motor neuron. It is responsible for the twitching and contraction of the muscles. The motor unit consists of four components. These include the motor neuron in the brain, its axion, peripheral nerve and the neuromuscular junction. 4. The contraction of muscles helps the body of a human being to stand up. The thigh muscles, which are initiated by the skeletal muscles system, need to contract. This is a joint mechanism between the muscle fibers and the sensory nerve system. The actin and myosin filaments receive signals from the sensory cells that enable the muscles to contract hence the ability to stand up. 5. Skeletal muscle fibers are enormous and multinucleated. Each muscle contains numerous nuclei in the cell membrane. During growth and development, myoblasts fuse together to form skeletal muscle fibers. The sarcolemma is the cell membrane of the muscles, and sarcoplasm or cytoplasm of the muscle fiber is surrounded by the cell membrane.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

The History of Program Music and its Composers Essay

The History of Program Music and its Composers - Essay Example 3). To further stress this point, the great Frederick Niecks, however, remarked that programme music has always been regarded controversially as its definition is vague and narrow (1). In this context, Niecks wrote (referring to musicians) in the preface of his book entitled Programme Music in the Last Four Centuries: A Contribution to the History of Musical Expression, that "they should embrace all possible kinds, degrees, and characters: the outward and the inward, the simple and the complex, the general and the particular, the lyrical, epic, dramatic, melodramatic, descriptive, symbolical, etc. They should embrace also music with the programme merely indicated by a title, and music the programme of which is unrevealed. The absence of programme and title does not prove the music to be absolute (iii)." Despite having been the one to come up with the phrase "programme music", Frnza Liszt was not its inventor. Programme music has been in existence and practice ever since the 16th century, or probably even before then (Hoffman para. 3). To be able to trace its history, Frederick Niecks outlined six periods while citing the significant composers or musicians during its time. The first period was during the 16th century, a time when allusions were usually made to descriptive vocal compositions that were often inadequate and incorrect (F. Niecks 7). During the second and third quarter of this century, the descriptive vocal pieces of Clement Jannequin emerged. These were La Guerre or La Bataille (War), La Chasse du Livre (The Chase), Le Chant des Oiseaux (the Imitation of Animal Voices), and L'Alouette (Bird Voices) (F. Niecks 7). Battle pieces became the primary favorite then. A... The researcher of this essay states that since the ancient times, music has been used to mimic the sounds of life and nature, real or imagined. As musicians wanted to build a bridge between literature and music, various sounds from animals and nature like tweets, cuckoos, toots, shrieks, cries, horns blowing, hiccups, roars, rain pouring, wind blowing and the like are being used to form a coherent musical composition that conveys a story or a plot. This form of music has been existent since the ancient times, yet it was the Hungarian composer Franz Liszt who actually coined the term â€Å"programme music† in the mid 19th century, a time when Romantic music was very pravalent. For the purpose of discussion, programme music may be defined as instrumental music that attempts to convey a story or arouse mental images without the use of words. Liszt calls composers of programme music as â€Å"poetizing symphonsts†. Furthermore, he also strived to be able to distinguish the p rogramme and its object. He claims that â€Å"the programme has no other object than to indicate preparatively the spiritual moments which impelled the composer to create his work, the thoughts which he endeavoured to incorporate in it. Given the examples of the composers and their works, that were mentioned in the essay, it is hence apparent how experimentation in the genre of programme music was important. It was indeed a risk for these composers to hence pattern the form of their composition to a certain programme they have pictured in their minds.

Friday, October 4, 2019

How strategic business management can attain its objectives without Research Proposal

How strategic business management can attain its objectives without affecting employees and customers - Research Proposal Example The researcher states that in strategic business management, there are various guiding theories, principles and practices. These are intended to steer the fundamental goals and objectives of the company in the context of increasing sales and covering wider areas of the market. Additionally, the writer continues to state that, with well-stipulated management principles and theories, there are bound to be challenges. Alternatively, Drucker compliment what Cousins talks of the clear stipulation of corporate objectives. On that aspect, the two authors want managers and workers to understand the various concepts and principles of management and how to, effectively, utilize resources of the company. Furthermore, by understanding management, managers and employees are able to work in smooth coordination, which is beneficial for the business and company in terms of increased clients. Similarly, the authors call for constant evaluation of management goals through retrainings and adoption of m odern technology. On the other hand, Davenport mentions and explains the various approaches that are critical for both managers and workers in the strategic innovation of the economy on the basis of dynamic innovations. For example, the author explains the need to employ tools such as suitable technology, qualified workers and offering motivational incentives to workers. In addition, he explains about visionary leadership on the side of managers and response to complaints from the customers among others as the most paramount tools of effecting strategic change in business. (Davenport 2007, p.67). However, Steve, J (2009) have come up with five imperative disciplines when it comes to exemplary performance for any company. These disciplines include respect for clients, timely provisions of products and services, clear study of the market demands, motivation of the workforce through better wages and encouragement and effective leadership (Steve 2009, p.56). Furthermore, the writers obs erve that companies should accept modern challenges that afflict businesses hence affecting strategic management as ways of improving on their strong areas. On that perspective, Brutus (2006) discusses in depth the challenges that afflict organizational management in terms of the dynamics employed to increase sales and improve on profits. Similarly, the author delves into the setbacks that affect companies when they face challenges such as poor leadership from top management, unmotivated employees and slow response from customers, which in turn affects the market demand, and hence company sales (Brutus 2006, p.110). Additionally, this interferes with strategic management set by company executives and the obligation of meeting them on time. 2. The Conceptual Framework Therefore, in terms of a conceptual framework, several factors involved will be drawn from the literature studied previously. However, the research proposal must mention that effective strategic business management is p aramount for the success of any company that aspires to succeed (Carl, 2003, p.87). Similarly, utilization of resources, quick response to client complaints and adoption of initiatives targeted at advancement of the company has several benefits for long and short terms. Alternatively, business managers and other corporate executives should aim at incorporating the various stakeholders such as clients and competitors in the picture of drafting workable strategic business management. On that aspect, this research proposal cannot forget to mention the predicaments associated with strategic business management. For instance, undefined goals and objectives set by company executives and lack of through of the market pattern among other limitations. On that prospect, factors such as timely adoption of technology,

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Attitudes Towards Women In World War II Essay Example for Free

Attitudes Towards Women In World War II Essay 1. Source C is written by a Historian, this means that she will have had a long time to gather together her facts, and write using a variety of sources. This will give the source more depth, and it could also include information from more than one source. However, it is written by a woman, who is commenting on the history of women, so it could therefore be slightly bias. This woman could be writing to prove a point, or get recognition for women (i. e. for a feminist movement). On the other hand, source D was a speech made by the Deputy Prime minister of Britain in 1942. It is highly likely that this speech would have been used as a form of propaganda in Britain to keep the moral of women up during the war. They needed to do this to encourage the women to sign up to work in the factories, as the men were away fighting on the battlefields. It is evident in the tone of the source that the government were falsely praising the women to keep them happy. It was a very dull job, and they were trying to make the work they did sound positive, preformed with dead accuracy by girls.. It is evident that in source C the author is analysing the source, and giving her opinion. Such derogatory remarks. It seems that she is giving a very opposed opinion to the magazine article she is commenting on, and all the information that this gives the reader is her opinion of they way women were portrayed at that time. Despite the fact that we do get some quotes from the source she is analysing, we are only given the selection she chooses, and she has chosen those particular parts to back up her opinion. It does appear that women were depicted during the Second World War as empty-headed frivolous creatures. However, this is only part of the source, and we cannot get the full picture, as the author has picked out certain parts to back up her opinion. The original might depict a different opinion, but we are unable to find that, as we are not given that here in source C. Source D gives us the impression that women were viewed as very skilled, and they could pick up things very quickly, precise engineering jobs would have made a skilled turners hair stand on end are preformed with dead accuracy by girls who had no industrial experience. However this seems very strange, because the general opinion by men during the Second World War was that women were un-skilled and should stay in the home, so it appears that the government were lying to women (i.e. propaganda) so that they could fill in the jobs for men when they were away. The speech was made at the peak of the war, and it would have been crucial that they had enough women to work in the factories. To summarise, I think that source C is more useful as evidence about attitudes towards women in the First World War, as it depicts a more realistic view of what people thought at the time. Women were viewed as insignificant, and more concerned about how they looked. Although it is a bias opinion from a female historian trying to back up her views, it does seem a more historically accurate. Source D could not be used as an accurate view, as it is government propaganda, purposely being used to keep the moral of women high. 2. Source G is being used as an advertisement for Female wardens, and Mrs Peeks pudding. It also seems to be being used to make men more comfortable with their wifes going into service. It appears to be a form of propaganda; therefore, it is less reliable as a source of information. The first window in the cartoon strip shows a man sitting at the table with his wife eating a meal. In most situations this would not be the case, as men were usually sent away to fight. This does appear to make the advert less accurate. This source shows that men only thought women were useful for putting the meal on the table, or at least it was their duty to do so. The husband in the first caption states cold dinner again! as if it was his wifes duty to provide him with a hot meal every night. The following caption quotes the wife saying oh dear, Ill have to resign from the post, I just cant get Jim a hot meal at night. Here we see that the woman is hanging on by every word that the man tells her, as if he was superior to her. This very much depicts the attitude that men had to their wives at that time. The last box on the cartoon strip quotes the man saying I guess youve resigned your job? here we find the man expecting the woman to drop everything that she does, so that she may be of service to him. The woman replies, Mrs Peek is looking after your dinner. Again we find the man being superior to the woman. I think that overall this source depicts well the attitude of men towards women in the Second World War. The man expects the woman to drop everything so that she may be of service to him, and that her job does not mean any thing, and the woman seems to agree with it as she knows no other. The only thing that makes the source less reliable is that it seems to be a form of propaganda. 3. When World War II came around, every man In Britain was encouraged to sign up to the forces, and fight for their country, or join some line of service. Originally only men had been asked to sign up, and it was out of the question to ask women to, as they had no skills in work, they were just useful around the home. However, it had not occurred to them that there was going to be a shortage of people to work on the farms, and in the factories when the men had left to go and fight. The government were left with no other option than get the women to fill in the spaces; the women were conductors on the buses taking over until the men came home again (source F) Before the war women had fought hard for equal rites, and when the war started it seemed like a great opportunity had opened up. Most women were happy to start with, but then they were treat badly, and they were most definitely not treat with the same respect men were. The people in the country were very resentful, they didnt make it easy for you, we werent really welcome. It was hard work for the women, they had been put into hard jobs with no training, but they seemed to manage it, preformed with dead accuracy by girls who had no industrial training. It was a new experience for women, and they had been launched straight into it unexpectedly. Before the war a lot of women were happy not to work, but due to the war, they were forced to sign up. This came as a shock to a lot of women. Source J is evidence of this, it shows a copy of an official government announcement to women stating: there must no longer be any doubt in anybodys mind that every available woman in Britain will have to serve to win this war. It wasnt a decision they could make themselves any more, it was a duty to their country. Despite all of the new opportunities that had been given to women, after the war the men started coming back, and they took back their jobs too. The end o this war brought many unheard and undreamt changes. All of the opportunities they had been given had been taken away from them, and it became clear to women that they had only been there to fill in the gaps when the men were away fighting. At first, the war seemed a great opportunity for women to get recognition, and they thought that they had eventually earned what they were fighting for. However they soon realised that they were just there to fill in the space of the men, and when the men got back, they were pushed out of the jobs. It did bring about changes for them at first, but only during the war. When the war was over, everything went back as it had originally been, however, it had made people realise that women were actually capable of doing the work that the men did, and it opened a lot of paths for the future.

Change is a necessary evil

Change is a necessary evil Discuss the above statement critically, supporting relevant concepts with examples within UK-based organisations, challenging the norms, and conclude with a detailed opinion from your research or observations. 1. INTRODUCTION Change is resistance. Change is melancholy. Change is imperfection and adaption too. Change is the beginning, and yet the end .Change is submission. Change is fear And yet the hope .Change is the essence of pessimism and Optimism of grief of retrospection and Growth. Coz all said and done, Change is the only thing constant in life. CHANGE., after- qw w qn;q;odddq is is IS IS A NECESSARY EVIL. When we talk about change the very first question that comes to our mind is Why do we need change? People start thinking that they will have to come out of their comfort zone and you start to get the following outcomes from your employees. its not my job I havent got time the boss doesnt care anyway Im keeping my head down this time if its such a good idea, why didnt we do this the last time management changed its mind? it will all change again next month when the MD makes his mind up, I might do something nobody told me about ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. And then you come to know that the change is not being managed in the way that it should have been. People are used to what we called the culture of the company and not ready to come out of it. It is true that strong culture makes strong organisation but a successful culture is one which the culture adapts itself to the fast moving and unpredictable environment. As we move forward towards the twenty first century our entire global society is continuously changing. All major institution has to adapt to this change and undergo successful change management in order to stay alive in the global market and successfully continue to mee the need of their customers They have to start thinking of ways to restructure their objectives and policies so that they increase their effectiveness and flexibility with the changing global market. For every successful organization, the meaning of change management differs but eventually means the same which is defining and implementing procedures, policies restructuring their goals and/or technologies to deal with changes in the business environment at global level and to profit from changing opportunities. it is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones who are most responsive to change Charles Darwin 2. CHANGE MANAGEMENT Different major organisational bodies have accepted different approaches to manage change at their workplace. Change management does not have a distinct discipline with well defined boundaries rather it depends on a no. of different social science disciplines and well known traditions. In order achieve a distinctive balance the central plank on which the change management stands will be limited to the following three schools of thought. The Individual Perspective School The Group Dynamics School The Open Systems School. 2.1The Individual Perspective school: The supporters of the above type of school are divided into two groups: The Behaviourists and the Gestalt-Field psychologists. According to the behaviourists an individuals behaviour is the outcome of ones interaction with the environment. On the other hand Gestalt-Field psychologists think that it is the product of ones interaction with the environment and reason. In an experiment by Pavlov (1927) he proved that any individuals actions are conditioned by their expected consequences by discovering that a dog can be taught that when the bell rings it is time for food,coz every time the dog came to eat he rang the bell and associated the bell with the food. 2.2 The Group dynamics School This is a school with the longest history and originating with the work of Kurt Lewin. It mostly emphasis on bringing organisational change through teams and group works rather than work being done by individuals. 2.3 The Open Systems School In contrast to the above two types of change management where the focus is on individual and groups, this type of school mostly emphasises on the organisation in its entirety. It sees organisations composed of a number of interconnected sub-systems and any change made to any of the sub-systems will have an impact on the other part of the system. 2.4John P Kotters eight steps to successful change In one of his best books of his Dr John Paul Kotter pens down the eight steps to successful change. He also emphasises on the fact that if any one of the following step is ignored the entire change management might fail. According to him leadership skills are different to that of management skills and for a successful implementation of change management we need 70 to 80% leadership and 20 to 30% management skills. Following are the eight steps for a successful implementation of change management. Act with urgency Develop a guiding coalition Develop a vision for change Communicate the vision Empower broad-based action Generate short-term wins Dont let up Make it stick in the organizational culture The main dangers in this life are the people who want to change everything or nothing Lady Nancy Astor BARRIERS TO CHANGE While Implementing change it must always be taken into consideration that change always will not have a positive effect it might go the other way round and turn things around. So while change is being managed managers need to keep in mind the mindset of their employees. There may be several reasons for failing to successfully implement change in an organisation, but if we carefully look into it , it comes down to the following four factors. Lack of good and consistent leadership Staff not aware of the fact that there is change taking place and WHY? Shortage of Finance and overstressed staff. Lack of risk taking that is to do something different. The pace at which change is increasing with the advent of internet ,particularly with the social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter people are so advanced with new technologies ,new ways of doing business and also different new ways of conducting ones life that it has almost become compulsory to keep up to the sentiments of people. It is important to know your target population and understand their sentiments in order for successful implementation of change at workplace. UK BASED ORGANISATION. Following are few examples and case studies based on organisations in UK highlighting their approach to the changing environment and how the adjusted by making necessary changes to their policies, goals, and culture which they practised. CORUS: A Steel giant formed previously by merging of British Steel plc and a Dutch company Hoogovens, now a subsidiary of TATA group and Indian based organisation. The following case study is a wonderful example based on how a company tries to implement certain changes in the organisation and how it overcomes the barriers faced on the course of action. Corus has three operating divisions and over 40,000 people worldwide making the family of Corus CORUS FAMILY Corus Strip products UK (CSP UK) is based on South Wales and is one of the leading manufacturers of steel in strip. In 2005 CSP UK introduced a culture plan called The Journey. It mainly focussed on the value and belief of its people and was not only limited to its employees but also to its contractors, suppliers and other partners. By early 2007 the decided to communicate the plan to its employees by handing over a booklet to them which outlined values of The Journey and what was expected out of them. Now why did the management suddenly planned to make? What were the reason for change? INTERNAL FACTORS The growing strength of external competitors. Health and safety issues within the organisation. Delay in delivery resulting in loss of business Competitiveness: Steel produced in UK could be more expensive compared to other country. High wastage due to failure in manufacturing the right product in the right time. Lack of motivation amongst the staff. EXTERNAL FACTORS New competitors Changing customers requirements New technology meant better expectation. TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT (TQM) was previously introduced to improve the productivity and competitiveness. BARRIERS TO CHANGE As mentioned above every organisation trying to implement change will have to face its barriers. Change may challenge the ability, experience and practice of employees and this can create a barrier successful implementation of change. For example if job roles are changed in the organisation the the employee might feel that they are losing their status or if there is job cut then the existing employees might feel insecure. Corus has a traditional culture which the followed which made it more difficult for the change to take place.